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    First "Energy Innovation Summit - Power Grid Optimization"

    Themen: News, Kooperationen, Software, Netzbetrieb
    First "Energy Innovation Summit - Power Grid Optimization"

    Hosted by GUROBI Optimization and FGH

    More than 80 practitioners, researchers and developers met in Frankfurt from June 19 to 20 to exchange ideas and concepts about Power Grid Optimization to ensure energy transition all over Europe. The focus lied on innovation in action, innovative approaches currently in development and research needs that are still open from today’s view.

    Dr. Christoph Maurer (Managing Director, Consentec GmbH) led through the first day and gave an overview of the challenges in grid optimization. Keynote speaker from the FGH network like Michael Jesberger (CTO, TransnetBW GmbH) and Dr. Dirk Biermann (Managing Director Markets and Systems Operations (CMO), 50Hertz Transmission GmbH) contributed highly interesting presentations on security of supply and energy transition and how digitization makes its way into processes and structures of Transmission System operators (TSO) today. Experts from European TSO´s like Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A. from Poland, National Grid from the United Kingdom, Austrian Power Grid AG, Swissgrid AG, Réseau de Transport d'Électricité from France and Amprion GmbH, TransnetBW GmbH and 50Hertz Transmission GmbH from Germany as well as Accenture´s specialist for quantum computing exchange information and insights into methods, tools and application to make the energy transition a reality. Our colleague Dr. Simon Krahl presented the research project #InnOpTEM on Topology Optimization together with all project members.

    "On the one hand, you will get all the information from the point of users in TSO companies all over Europe. On the other hand, you will see the latest developments in hardware, methods and tools from a developer's perspective”, summarized our CEO Dr. Andreas Olbrich, who moderated the 2nd Summit Day.

    It was a great pleasure for us to be a part of this successful event – as a long-term partner of Gurobi.

    Dr. Andreas Olbrich, CEO of FGH, moderating the of the second summit day

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    M.A. Barbara Schumacher
    M.A. Barbara Schumacher
    Marketing & Kommunikation
    +49 241 997857-258
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