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Participation in steering commitees

Participation In Steering Commitees

International standardization is becoming increasingly important in the European market, in sectors like safety and risk management, environmental protection, occupational safety and free movement of goods and trade. A transfer of hands-on experience and its incorporation in further development of standards is only possible through participation in international committees. Employees of FGH work in a large number of working committees, standardization bodies and expert groups, but in particular also in prominent positions on the steering committees (e.g. European Stakeholder Committee on Grid Connection at ACER/ENTSO-E). This enables us to always support our customers, taking into account the latest developments in the field of technical standards.

Active scientific cooperation in an advisory capacity with relevant international, European and national committees and standardization committees has been a constituent element of our work since our inception. We effectively support the consolidated interests of our member companies in numerous working and steering committees.

Besides its classic task of averting dangers in the generation, distribution and use of electrical energy, standardization has gained additional importance in the context of the completion of the European internal market. The European Community policy gives it the role of an instrument for the fulfilment of essential requirements from European legislative acts. Aspects such as safety and risk management, environmental protection, occupational safety as well as free movement of goods and trade are duly addressed. Most of the European standards (EN) are borrowed from the international specifications of the IEC . At just under 20% , the significantly smaller share of European standards has been developed independently by the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, known as CENELEC.
Purely national standards exist only for special cases. Unfortunately, the influence of German companies on the development of international standards is decreasing – due to a lack of participation.

Together we can achieve more. Would you also like to have your concerns represented? Or do you have queries about technical standard-setting processes and our representation? Please talk to us at any time about this.

For us, the FGH team, participation in international committees contributes to the purpose of our association, which is the promotion of science and research. The staff of FGH is therefore active in a large number of working committees, but also in prominent positions in the steering committees. We are prepared to take on additional responsibilities within the scope of our human resources. The research association also sees these activities as an excellent example of how cost-effective solutions can be achieved through jointly supported activities.

We let practical and scientific findings flow into the committee work. Vice versa, this also contributes to our  work – for the benefit of our members. We always act in the service of a safe and efficient power supply, so that power supply systems and industrial products are maintained at a high technical level and can be further developed. The committee and standardization work of FGH is an essential service offer for our member companies.

We Are Actively Involved In The Following Committees For Our Members



Requirements for generating plants to be connected in parallel with distribution networks

B. Schowe-von der Brelie

DKE K 121


J. Sichermann

DKE UK 121.1


J. Sichermann

DKE UK 261.1

Elektrische Energiespeichersysteme

J. Döll (Gast)

DKE AK 261.0.1

Prüfgrundsätze für die VDE-AR-N 4105

M. Brennecke
J. Döll

DKE AK 952.0.10

Kommunikation und Modellierung

M. Zanner

DKE K 434

Messrelais und Schutzeinrichtungen

J. Bünger

DKE K 383


M. Brennecke


Technischer Beirat Konformitätsbewertung Renewable Energies

B. Schowe-von der Brelie

IEC TC57 WG 10

Power system control and associated communications - Power system IED communication and associated data models

M. Zanner

IEC TC 88, MT 21

Measurement and assessment of power quality characteristics of grid connected wind turbines

M. Brennecke

IEC TC 88, WG 27

Electrical simulation models for wind power generation

M. Brennecke


IECRE Certification Management Committee

B. Schowe-von der Brelie


Grid code compliance

B. Schowe-von der Brelie (Convenor)

    Public Authorities


    European Stakeholder Committee on Grid Connection

    B. Schowe-von der Brelie


    Arbeitskreis Netze

    S. Ledwon


    Deutsches Komitee

    A. Olbrich


    Expertenrat Erneuerbare Energien

    M. Meuser


    Technical Group on Compliance Monitoring and Compliance Testing

    B. Schowe-von der Brelie


    Expert Group Harmonization of Product Family Grouping and Acceptance of Equipment Certificates in European Level

    B. Schowe-von der Brelie
    (Convenor subgroup)


    FA Elektrische Eigenschaften

    M. Meuser

    FGW TR3

    Bestimmung der Elektrischen Eigenschaften von Erzeugungseinheiten am Mittel-, Hoch- und Höchstspannungsnetz


    FGW TR4

    Anforderungen an Modellierung und Validierung von Simulationsmodellen der elektrischen Eigenschaften von Erzeugungseinheiten und -anlagen, Speicher sowie deren Komponenten


    FGW TR8

    Arbeitskreis Zertifizierungsverfahren

    M. Meuser (Vorsitz)
    B. Schowe-von der Brelie

    FGW TR10

    Arbeitskreis Methodik

    C. Docktor

    FGW TR10

    Fachausschuss Betriebsdaten & Standortertrag

    C. Docktor


    Arbeitsgruppe Zertifizierungsstellen

    C. Lütke-Lengerich

    FGW UG

    Treffen der Messinstitute

    M. Brennecke

    LEE e.V.

    Landesverband Erneuerbare Energien NRW, Regionalverband Köln/Rheinland

    B. Schowe-von der Brelie (Kooptierter Gast im Vorstand)

    VAZ e.V.

    Verband akkreditierter Zertifizierungsstellen

    B. Schowe-von der Brelie 

    VAZ e.V.

    Fachgruppe Netzintegration Erneuerbarer Energien 

     B. Schowe-von der Brelie (Leitung)


    Projektgruppe Kennzahlen in Industrienetzen (derzeit ruhend)

    T. Honné 
    J. Ziegeldorf-Wächter


    Working Group Electrification

    F. Kalverkamp


    Working Group System Integration

    F. Kalverkamp

      Research Associations


      Deutsches Komitee

      D. Schacht

      FNN im VDE


      A. Olbrich

      FNN im VDE

      Arbeitsgruppe EN Netzschutz

      J. Bünger

      FNN im VDE

      Expertennetzwerk Europäische Netzcodes

      B. Schowe-von der Brelie

      FNN im VDE

      Projektgruppe Automatische Letztmaßnahmen

      S. Krahl

      FNN im VDE

      Projektgruppe Einflussgrößen auf die Versorgungszuverlässigkeit (derzeit ruhend)

      S. Krahl
      J. Ziegeldorf-Wächter

      FNN im VDE

      Projektgruppe Störungsstatistik

      J. Ziegeldorf-Wächter
      T. Honné 

      FNN im VDE

      Projektgruppe TAR Hochspannung /
      VDE-AR-N 4120

      M. Meuser

      FNN im VDE

      Projektgruppe Umsetzung Spitzenkappung

      S. Krahl